A survey has been introduced in UK schools to work out a child's "happiness barometer" by giving them quizzes to ascertain their happiness levels. My only response to this is "bollocks"! Why on earth would you need to set quizzes for 6 year olds who are notoriously mercurial anyway to figure out whether they're happy - what earthly purpose would it serve. We all know kids can be down in the depths of dumps one minute and then be happy as a lark the very next. We also know that too much navel gazing isnt good for the soul - it makes one more anal than necessary. Kids need to learn early on to snap out of it and soldier on, skills that will set them up for life.
"Nobody Knows The Troubles I've Seen. Even fewer people care"
Lets face it when asked how you are - you are expected to give a snappy cheery response not a prolongued litany of your woes because no one really wants to hear it. So too much analysis on whether or not we are happy can only lead to misery. After all happiness is fleeting you only recognise it once its gone and if you overthink whether you are or are not happy at any given moment you're sure to be miserable. Happiness doesnt stand up to scrutiny.
Am sure you'd get answers on these quizzes like "I'm not happy coz mum didnt let me watch TV for 24 hours", or "I'm so happy because I got a nintendo xx".
Can you imagine if you had such quizzes for adults at their workplace? You'd have to reword the test to "Are you feeling happy today? a. Get lost b. What the... c. Give me more money d. Yes (I'm on prozac).
We need to get kids to look outwards rather than inwards surely - the true measure of a life well spent is spending it on something that is bigger than you and will outlast you. The sooner we teach kids this the better.