If you had to explain to someone what love is - what would you say?
Prior to getting hitched I used to think that love meant being on the same wavelength, good-looks, sex appeal, understanding, humour, good-looks, sex appeal - oh wait did I already mention good looks, sex appeal....
After 5 years of marriage this is what I've discovered love is.
LOVE IS knowing how to fix the leaking toilet with tools when the bathroom starts to resemble a smelly swimming pool with suspect bits floating around.
LOVE IS having a tool box and knowing how to use it when wife is running around the house like a headless chicken and yelling that the house is falling down.
LOVE IS being able to mix different paints to get the exact same colour your wife saw of a picture of a girl's bedroom in some obscure mat salleh magazine and wants it in her girl's bedroom at home - exactly.
LOVE IS the willingness to queue up and submit your wife's extremely late EA form and endure the snide "eh eh dah sebulan lambat lah bang" from the makcik officer at the income tax department.
LOVE IS the knowledge that wife is probably going to turn out like her mum and being brave enough not to run away screaming.
LOVE IS rescuing yet another plant wife is about to kill with her green thumb and agreeing to buy plants at all given the plant murderer that wife is.
LOVE IS staying calm no matter what hysterical crap your wife throws at you even if she's insisting her hysterical crap is absolutely A1 correct.
LOVE IS making sure the car is checked, cleaned, filled up, tuned, rubbed down, hugged etc. when all your wife knows how to do is "get in the car and drive".
LOVE IS going the extra mile so that wife does not have to - coz wife is hysterical loon as mentioned earlier and needs life kept to manageable sizes otherwise she self combusts.
LOVE IS treating wife's relatives with kindness and warmth even when wife wants to fling sharp objects at wife's relatives.
LOVE IS always making wife see the big picture, take the high road, not to be petty and reminding her to make like Jesus and turn the other cheek - wife needs constant reminding.
LOVE IS - YOU sayang. Thanks for staying the course.