So I've been trained on everything from risk management to financial project management to how to make a cappucino with the office cappucino machine - tho' I probably need to do a revision tutorial on the cappucino thing as I think I've blown the froth creator pipe (it made the most unusual sound much like a constipated elephant as I finished with it). I'm trained to the max - so much information at my workplace - every slideshow leads to another slideshow and there seems to be no end to it - I'm even scared to click on anything now as it opens up a huge new can of worms. The knowledge managers here sure are doing their work. Every question you have is referred to some portal which has the material for you to read - no "human" actually answers your questions - you either find it in the appropriate portal or the eSupport system or the helpdesk. Woe betide you if you still want to ask a human - they do not exist here - get over it-move on.
So tech is the mantra by which my company lives by - which again brings me back to the irony of my life. I have at every stage in my life resisted tech - I dont like it, I dont trust it yet I end up specializing in information tech law and now working in the mothership for tech based working conditions where everything is on my laptop or burned on a cd (not in my brain sadly) - hard copies are not encouraged even faxes are scanned by reception and sent to you via email. I WANT SOME PAPER PEOPLE!!!!
General point though with all this info available at the click of a tikus-are the info tech generation better informed? No bloody chance - if anything they are the most uninformed bunch of philistines - correction - tech savvy uninformed philistines. They have access to all this information but they have the attention spans of gnats and even before they finish reading one paragraph they are itching to click on another link - why? - because they can. We need to regroup and refocus - is it the mode that is important or the substance - a generation from now the question will be "what substance?" - "why is substance relevant? look at the canggih way we can access the info with version 100.2 and this new tool - surely that is the point" - errrr wrong that is not the point.
You can have the most amazing tools that turn water into wine but if your main aim isnt accessing the actual information then we have completely lost the plot. Every time I see people still in bookshops and buying books I feel exhilarated. The battle is not lost, books still have their place- information still gets tranmitted without "technology", there is hope !