Have ignored my blog for these past 5 months, cant seem to find the time somehow. Could be something to do with the morning sickness. Yes BabyVersion1.2 is on the way.DD is excitedly awaiting the arrival of her sibling. "I dont know if I'm getting a baby brother or sister, but whatever God gives me I will take", is her favourite comment right now. She sticks her belly out and tells passers by that she has a baby in her tummy, naturally they scuttle away giving me dirty looks, thinking I'm some kind of psycho mum. Thanks DD!
This pregnancy has been hard hard hard - I cant imagine why I thought it would be otherwise but still - ohmigod! The nausea has been constant and is still lurking around at almost 5 months into the pregnancy. Have put on 7 kilos already and am only at the halfway point. Cant wait for Oct. But then thoughts of crying newborns, 24 hours feedings, sore boobies and other bits are keeping me up at nights - really dont know how I'll cope. DD assures me she will take care of BabyV1.2 but will not tolerate us loving the baby more than her. She says "its ok mumma, BabyV1.2 will be your favourite, but I will be your favouritest".
DD has started preschool at B**conhouse and is loving it. She loves her teacher and her little friends and looks forward to going every morning. She has different best friends every week and is learning mandarin, bahasa, computers and gym. She has really changed in the past few months and is almost civilised and its probably due to the school. But she is still a wily little minx when she wants to be and can con the back legs off a donkey. When she turns on the charm there is no saying no to her. She was colouring with Aunty (her nanny) the other day and Aunty asked her "what do you think of my colouring DD?" and she said "In my mind I think its not so good, but in my heart I think its allright". We were stunned. At her age I didnt know I had a mind or a heart let alone the difference between them. She was obviously sparing Aunty's feelings in terms of her colouring skills.
She is still a fusspot and wants things done just so. Not 2 inches to the right not 2 inches to the left but just there where she wants it. She still has episodes where the piece of dust must not come near her feet or she will SCREAM THE HOUSE DOWN and have a major panic attack because somebody dares to LOOK AT HER when she's not in the mood to be sociable but by and large the arms flailing, eyeballs falling out tantrums seem to be a thing of the past. She was rude to DH a few days ago and we told her off and sorted out the drama that followed etc. Then while she was sitting with me eating a fruit I advised her on what is acceptable behaviour in our house and she said "I already said sorry - why are you still talking about that old story?". I nearly fell off my chair. Dredging up old stories and beating you with it again and agian is a long held tradition in my family handed down by my grandmother to my mother and to me - and here is little miss DD telling me blythely to put a sock in it. I think not.