Its not milk - but that demand is not probably far off. DD loved the bubble bath and insisted we have bubble baths "all the time mumma". She is all woman that one.
She has developed a passion for Ariel now and thinks she will be growing a tail soon and living with Sebastian "under the sea". I dont mind except that she now thinks she cant walk and "swims" along the floor of our house (mopping up the dust on the clothes in the process) and yells out "my tail my tail where is my tail"...which is not a little disconcerting.
Another thing that surprises my about my offspring (amongst the many million things) is the temper - its all sound and fury over the tiniest things..and its over so quickly am wondering if its just an act. I mean the tears are still rolling down the cheeks and the smile is already breaking and she's talking abt something else that's caught her attention. Easy she aint....had to be mine huh? Again DH will echo "name her after a warrior princess somemore, what do you expect".
We are in the midst of baking for christmas, I have decided to finally take up the mixer for the first time since getting married and make it a proper christmas with cakes etc. When I say we I mean me - with DD helping by poking her finger into everything to "check the cakes mumma". I always appreciated having a mum who baked and cooked and loved the smell of cakes baking in the house - thought DD might one day look back and think fondly of me in the same way. Knowing her we can but hope.
We are rolling out 5 types of fruit cakes (different varieties) and DD is making cookies called "Melting Moments" but since she's making it maybe it ought to be called "Meltdown Moments".
She asked why Santa cant bring the her pressie now instead of christmas since he knows she wants a 3 wheel skateboard (she sent him an email on my dad's laptop). I said he is still wrapping pressies for all the kids in the world and Mrs Santa and the elves are helping him too so its taking some time. She said "Is the Holy Ghost helping too? maybe he should help then it'll get done faster".